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Why is Upholstery Cleaning So Important For A Healthy Home

Upholstery hygiene is an essential aspect of maintaining a clean and healthy home. All the furniture in your home that features upholstered items, like chairs and couches, requires regular care and attention. Neglecting upholstery leads to the inevitable accumulation of dirt, dust, stains, and allergens, impacting both the furniture’s appearance and the health of your household members in a negative way. 

You might be wondering why upholstery cleaning is so important for the cleanliness of your home. Well, this article is going to answer everything related to that question, including how best to use the help and services of professional cleaning services to extend the longevity of your furniture. 

The Importance of a Healthy Home

A clean and healthy home or workplace is crucial for our overall well-being. And cleaning the upholstery is an integral aspect of achieving pristine cleanliness in the places where you spend most of your day. 

Particles like dust and dirt can easily accumulate on upholstery, and the amount increases with the frequency of use of specific furniture, like couches. This accumulation can lead to diminished indoor air quality, potentially causing a myriad of health issues for you and your family.

To put things into perspective, think about how much time you spend on your sofa daily. Whether watching TV, spending time with loved ones, reading, working, or simply relaxing, you spend a good portion of every day on and around your couch. Your furniture becomes a gathering place for airborne particles and  accumulation of spills, turning it into a potent health hazard over time if left unattended. 

Why is Upholstery Cleaning so Important?

There is no unique answer to this question. But the underlying reason to keep your upholstery clean is the same as the reason for maintaining overall hygiene in your entire home – improved health and well-being of the occupants. That said, there are several key aspects that we can explore to point out just how crucial it is to keep your upholstery clean regularly: 

Air Quality and Allergens 

Particles such as dust, dirt, pollen, pet dander, and other potential allergens have the tendency to accumulate in the fabric of your furniture over time. Every time you sit or lay on the upholstery, you release these into the air around you, affecting the overall air quality in your home. If you or your family members have problems with allergies or asthma or suffer from other respiratory sensitivities, this can be a real issue.  

Overall Health and Hygiene

Besides airborne particles, upholstery is also a potential hub for the growth of bacteria, fungi, and other harmful microorganisms. Unless extracted from the upholstery, these microorganisms multiply and spread at a very high rate, becoming more difficult to deal with the longer they are left without an intervention. 

In addition to microorganisms, upholstery can also accumulate body oils, sweat, and dead skin cells, creating an ideal breeding ground for dust mites. Dust mites are microscopic pests that trigger allergies in susceptible individuals, so you’ll need to remove them regularly. 

Odor Elimination 

The accumulation of all substances mentioned above, and any other you can think of, can lead to the accumulation of unpleasant odors in your furniture. These odors can persist and linger, constantly releasing in the vicinity of the upholstery and affecting everyday life. 

Professional Upholstery Cleaning vs. DIY Methods

While you can do a lot to keep your upholstery clean, there are certain methods of deep cleaning only professional cleaning services can provide at the necessary level. Professional cleaners have the knowledge, experience, and, most importantly, the specialized equipment to clean your upholstery without causing any damage.

Many store-bought cleaning products and DIY methods you might find online can have a detrimental effect on upholstery fabrics, potentially causing discoloration, shrinkage, or other damage. Professional services have industry-approved cleaning solutions at their disposal.  They are environmentally friendly and tailor-made for application on upholstery.

A common issue with DIY upholstery cleaning is the inadequate removal of moisture during the process. Excess moisture leads to a very fruitful environment for the development of mold and mildew, which can further damage the aesthetics and even compromise the integrity of your furniture. The moisture extraction equipment professionals use ensures both deep cleaning and a quick drying time.

Considering the expertise and specialized equipment professional cleaners use, and the methodology at their disposal is crucial when deciding whether to ask for their services. The benefits of professional upholstery cleaning far outweigh the potential risks of trying to deal with them on your own.

How Often Should You Clean Your Upholstery?

The frequency of upholstery cleaning depends on various factors, such as how often you use a specific piece of furniture, the presence of pets, and the level of soiling. As a rule of thumb, you should employ the services of professional upholstery cleaners once every 12 to 18 months, at the very least. 

However, households with young children, pets, or occupants with allergies require a more frequent cleaning schedule. Regular maintenance, such as vacuuming and spot cleaning, should be a part of your cleaning routine between visits from professional cleaning services. And you should always stick to the manufacturer’s recommendations in terms of cleaning methods and supplies. 

Easy Upholstery Cleaning Tips

At this point, you are already aware of how important professional upholstery cleaning is for your furniture’s overall hygiene and your family’s health and well-being. For optimal results, though, a few DIY steps that pose no threat to the upholstery itself can help you maintain its cleanliness at a very high level:

  • Vacuum regularly: Your run-of-the-mill vacuum cleaner is more than sufficient to take care of your upholstery. Whenever possible, use the specialized upholstery attachment to remove loose particles such as dirt, dust, and pet hair from your upholstery.
  • Do not let spills dry up: In the case of spills, you should immediately blot them. Use a combination of a clean cloth or paper towel to prevent stains from setting in your furniture.
  • Pay attention to cleaning products: If you need to spot-clean your upholstery, the choice of cleaning solution is crucial. Only use products specifically intended for the fabric type you’re about to clean.
  • Carefully follow care instructions: Always follow the manufacturer’s care instructions for the regular hygiene of your upholstery to ensure you won’t damage the fabric or worsen the hygiene situation. 
  • Rotate your cushions: Flip over and rotate your cushions often to allow for the distribution of wear and help maintain the shape of your furniture. This also aerates the furniture, preventing the build-up of harmful microbes and particles. 
  • Sunlight protection: The colors of the upholstery fabrics can fade if exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. Put up curtains or blinds to protect your upholstery from excessive sunlight, but do not block it completely, as it does possess a disinfectant effect. 

Upholstery Cleaning: Final Thoughts

As you can see, upholstery hygiene is not something you should take lightly or postpone, even though it might seem trivial. So, exactly why is upholstery cleaning so important? It’s not just about the appearance of your furniture but an integral part of maintaining a clean and healthy environment in your home or workplace. The more often you clean and take care of your furniture, the better your indoor air quality will be. You’ll also have visually more appealing furniture, with no unsightly spots and stains, saving you money in the long run. 

Choosing professional upholstery cleaning services is your first step to ensuring your furniture gets the best care possible in addition to your own maintenance efforts. Reach out to us for professional cleaning services that provide your furniture with the best care and attention it deserves! Moreover, our eco-friendly cleaning methods and products guarantee you can enjoy clean and fresh upholstery while contributing to a greener environment.


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